City Centre Properties for Extended Stay, fully serviced properties in the heart of Limerick City

Corporate Let Limerick is a premium accommodation provider for short and medium terms stays.
The business began with Nicole Dunphy’s passion for heritage and the desire to sensitively renovate some of the Georgian and late Georgian buildings of Limerick*.
Nicole has a Degree in the History of Art and Architecture from Trinity College Dublin. Her special degree subject was Eighteenth Century Dublin Architecture. Since her return to Limerick City she has been constantly engaged with, and inspired by the elegance of the Newtown Pery and the Georgian heart.
Nicole lives in Limerick city with her daughter Beth.
Over her career, she has worked in RTE in Radio Production and she founded the Gourmet Sweet Company Pandora Bell, which supplies to some of the most prestigious International Food Halls. She works side by side with Katriona Murphy who makes up the other half of this tight knit ‘can do’ team
Theatre Lane
Corporate Let Limerick’s first project was the Stable House in Theatre Lane.
Limerick city has a network of lanes that run behind all of the main Georgian buildings. These lanes were the service lanes and would have been bustling with horses, carriages and deliveries.
The Mews house on Theatre Lane would have been built as the Stable for the main house on Mallow Street during the late Eighteenth Century.
In the Twentieth Century these buildings lost their original purpose with the move to cars and the Stables were used for a variety of purposes.
In 2017 Nicole bought the Stable with the plan to bring back the Georgian heart of the building while creating a comfortable modern living space.
Henry Street
In 2019, a year long project began, to restore 83/84 Henry Street (two apartments over a shop front). The original features had all been removed from the building so the challenge was to replace what had been taken away. PVC windows replaced for wood, wooden floors restored, fireplaces replaced.
After an exciting and adventurous year of building work, Auctions, Salvage Yards, Thrift shops, carpenters, contractors and determination… the First and Second Floor Henry Street are now ready for living.

* The Georgian era is a period in history from 1714 to c. 1830–37, named after the British kings George I, George II, George III and George IV. During this time the cities of Bath in the UK and Limerick were both built.